Hugh McIlvanney, stilistul desăvârșit al gazetăriei sportive britanice, despre Hagi la Mondialul din ’94:
„There could well be better teams than Romania in these finals, and there are definately several who are conspicuously more athletic, but nowhere else is there the outright reliance on incisice technique that characterises the counter-attacking method with which Hagi excels. […]
At times they seem to be of another age, of an era when footballers (and fighters) were unlikely to be seen prancing on their toes or regularly spinting into attack, when they preffered to jockey and shuffle deviously in search of openings before darting in with killer blows. Maybe a slightly dated form of unarmed combat, ju-jitsu, provides the best analogy for their skill in making oppponents’ aggression self-distructive. However, once the adversary is off-balance, they are merciless, applying finishes that are as liable to be thunderous as refined. […]
Hagi exemplifies that ability to alternate between treating the ball with caressing subtlety and blasting it with controlled violence. […]
But if his brilliance is undeniable, it is also undeniably sporadic.Whether he is assessed on the basis of any one match or his entire career to the age of 29, sustained effectiveness has never been his currency. His talent has always been a recurring commet rather than a bright and steady star. The consensus among professional football men in Western Europe has been that he lacked the commitment and consistency to guarantee the proper exploitation of his exceptional gifts.”